We're Getting Married!
Our journey thus far on the road of engagement has been nothing shy of spectacular and utterly joyful. Now that we have settled into our new home in Vermont, we decided it was time to share our excitement and process with our friends and family by creating our very own wedding website. Besides, there may be no better time to show off Michael's web design skills and Lauren's tendency to wax poetic.
Here you will find -and we will continue to update- details about our wedding weekend to come. August 28, 2010 is just around the corner, so we suggest you begin the following now to prepare for the celebration(s) to come:
- Buy/borrow/otherwise procure suitable dancing shoes.
- Prepare your belly for Vermont: through locally grown food and drink, we plan a full tasting of the state's bounty.
- Stretch. Pulling muscles during morning yoga, an afternoon game of t-ball, or on an evening hike is avoidable.
With much love, anticipation and excitement for all that's ahead,
Lauren & Michael